Starting signal for the H-Team!

Team D has energetically launched the first project of the current round of Smart Solution Labs. At Heitkamp & Hülscher GmbH & Co. KG in Stadtlohn, plans were presented for the construction of underground pipelines that could secure Germany’s electricity supply. In the field of sustainable development, our international student team’s task is not only […]

Innovation training at Kemper provided many new impulses

The starting signal for the new round of Smart Solution Labs has been given: Many new students from Saxion University of Applied Sciences, FH Münster and Westfälische Hochschule got to know each other at the innovation training course. Kemper GmbH‘s new innovation centre provided the perfect premises for this. Many thanks to Björn Kemper and […]

#TechGarage Robotics: There is much fun in cross border innovation!

The TechGarage at SMEOT – MBO Vakschool in Hengelo had many facets: In the keynote about the evolution of robotics, Prof Sven Bodenburg grinned that early robots had a preference for pouring drinks. Renate Warmers (WFG) gave an overview of the Smart Solution Labs. Some currently participating students from Saxion, Münster University of Applied Sciences […]

hyCLEANER continues to move towards automation with students

Sahara dust and pollen make it clear: cleaning PV modules is important in order to avoid a loss of yield from the PV system. hyCLEANER from Gronau specialises in this task with its robots for solar cleaning. These are already equipped with various intelligent functions such as a radio remote control, an autodrive and included […]

Let’s go: 8 students start their 2nd Smart Lab

Automation and the use of robots are part of daily business at Hollander Techniek, a family-run company based in Almelo. The 8 students of the newly launched Smart Lab were impressed by the robot solutions already implemented, which were presented by Evert Bluemink and Jesper Schrijver. They ambitiously took on the challenge of developing a […]