Smart Solution Labs as a finalist at the 5th Grenslandconference

The Grenslandconference took place for the 5th time. The venue changes every year. This year, the oldest city in the Netherlands, Nijmegen, welcomed more than 500 guests from Germany and the Netherlands.

The conference offered the opportunity for numerous discussions and informative workshops. All of them focused on the dismantling of the border, the labour market, the retention of international talent in the border region or the attractiveness of the region in general.

All participants – whether German or Dutch, new faces or old hands – have one thing in common: they are committed to borderless cooperation!

One of the highlights was the awarding of the Grenzlandprize, for which the Interreg VI project “Smart Solution Labs” was nominated by the jury. The jury consisted of Mrs. Sina Kuipers, Prof. Dr. Jacco Pekelder and Prof. Dr. Vincent Pijnenburg.

Even though Smart Solution Labs did not win the Grenzlandprize, the nomination itself is a great honour and recognition of the work of all those involved in the project, which will continue with unbroken motivation.

We would like to congratulate the award winners Euregio Youth on their success!

